15 Mar, 2020

Sunday Style

I really wasn’t sure how I felt about posting this week’s Sunday Style, given everything that’s going on right now. Would you even want to see a post?  Would it seem insensitive?
I decided to go ahead, based on my own feelings (put simply, in much the same way I normally share things with you, based on things I like/am feeling myself), in that a little light distraction is a welcome one. I don’t really know what to think of everything that is unfolding around us (I’m currently swinging between mild humour to mild hysteria…), so sometimes just not thinking about it at all, even just for a brief time, feels like a positive thing.
I’d love to hear your thoughts (you can DM/email me: sarah@darlingandco.uk), on how I can can continue to inspire you in these strange times? Do you even want to be inspired? Should I stop posting altogether? Or is it just quite nice to have a little escapism for a while? A little online window shopping? I honestly don’t know anymore.
In the meantime, stay safe.

Sarah xx

ps: anyone else’s hands red raw from the constant washing?? Maybe a hand cream post next??